Couverture de BD The X-Files: hoot goes there? chez IDW Publishing / Comic book cover for The X-Files: hoot goes there? from IDW Publishing

Couverture de BD The X-Files: hoot goes there? chez IDW Publishing / Comic book cover for The X-Files: hoot goes there? from IDW Publishing


Sortie de ma troisième couverture sur la série The X-files: the case files, pour la nouvelle série 2018 des comics Américain chez IDW Publishing.
The X-Files: Case Files–Hoot goes there?? sortie le 18-07-2018.

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Here is my third cover for The X-files:the case files the new 2018 series of American comic books by IDW Publishing.
The X-Files: Case Files–Hoot goes there?? the 18-07-2018.

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